Tips to
overcome anxiety and stress before childbirth:
- Talk about it with those around you… with your husband,
girlfriends, mother and mother-in-law. Ask for help, explain how you feel and
ask for the support you would like. Do not hide or deny it. And don't look for
what increases your fears.
- Talk to your doctor, explain your concerns, and ask her for
scientific advice.
- Occupy your free time in many good and useful things. And
read good, scientific articles on pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. Do not
leave yourself to terrifying stories and terrifying fantasies.
- Subscribe to one of the psychological support groups for
pregnant a woman, which has begun to find its way in our societies. Talking to
people like you, will bring you comfort.
- Do sports, walking or yoga, as it helps to release your
- Ask yourself if this fear is really a postpartum fear about
work and what it is like, about your ability to take care of the baby, about
your relationship with your husband. According to the seriousness of the
matter, he has a solution. If it is about your relationship with your husband,
talk to him about the matter and agree on what pleases you both. And if it is the
work, think to solve it and so on.
- Ask yourself if you are afraid of complications during
childbirth. If so, perform all the necessary medical examinations to reassure
you, and ask your doctor about your health and the type of birth you will have.
- If the situation worsens, do not be ashamed to consult a
psychiatrist, based on your doctor's advice.
We wish
you a healthy pregnancy, a good delivery and a beautiful baby, God willing
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