Your good health during pregnancy is the benefit that you cultivate so that your baby will be healthy after birth. A woman who pays attention to instructions and advice related to pregnancy, including following a healthy integrated diet and exercising regularly with health care, is less likely to suffer from pregnancy complications and ensures a successful delivery of a healthy baby.
Dry will provide you with a set of doctors' tips to complete your pregnancy safely and securely.
Tips during pregnancy
The nutrition
- You need to be well aware that your diet is linked to the weight of the baby after birth, the improvement of fetal brain development, and the reduction of birth defects. Therefore, doctors recommend following a balanced diet that reduces pregnancy complications, such as: anemia, reduces morning sickness, fatigue, and mood swings, and improves labor and delivery. This diet should include:
-Proteins, vitamin C, calcium, fruits, vegetables, grains, iron-rich foods, and adequate fats.
Foods to avoid during pregnancy
- Unpasteurized milk and cheese.
- Frozen foods and smoked seafood.
- Undercooked meat, poultry and fish.
- You should see a doctor in the event of an allergy to a certain type of food.
Vitamins during pregnancy
Folic acid, which is a very important supplement for pregnant women, as it was found that taking it in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy reduces the risk of having a child with defects in the neural tube by approximately 75%, and this is necessary.
Benefits of sports for pregnant women:
- Studies have shown that exercising for 30 minutes during pregnancy helps blood circulation, strengthens muscles and reduces stress.
- Increase energy levels.
- Improve sleep.
- Muscle strengthening and endurance.
- Reduce back pain.
- Relieve constipation.
- If you did not exercise before pregnancy, it is advised to see your doctor to find out what is best for you.
The use of a sanitary napkin intended for the postpartum period and the puerperal period, Dry Post, will avoid the possibility of infections, exfoliation or infection in the uterus, as it is the specialized pad for the postpartum period, which extends from 6 to 8 weeks, as well as the use of sanitary underwear, used once, Dry Go, as it is made of a fabric that allows By breathing better air to the intimate area, and this will protect you from the possibility of exposure to infections or darkening, and will avoid the hardship of washing and the transmission of infection to normal underwear.